Working Groups
Local Authority Building Standards Scotland works closely with BSD. Formal meetings are held on a regular basis where any problems or issues arising from the legislation and procedures or from common building practices are discussed. Agreed guidance is produced, where necessary, to aid common understanding and to encourage the effective operation of the building standards system.
This group comprises representatives from ALL of the Certification Scheme Providers, BSD and LABSS meets regularly to discuss the effectiveness of the certification schemes and to engender partnership working between the certifiers and the verifiers. Research projects commissioned by BSD into the relationship between certifier checking of certified work and verifier checking of non-certified work has been carried out recently looking at the Structures Scheme, the Electrical Schemes SELECT and Certsure, the Plumbing and Drainage Scheme SNIPEF and the Energy Schemes BRE and RIAS
Local Authority Building Standards Scotland works with BSD and the Certifiers of Structures - SER Ltd. Regular liaison meetings are held to highlight any problems or issues arising from the schemes and agreed guidance is produced, where possible, to aid common understanding and to encourage the effective operation of the certification.
These are ad-hoc groups formed when necessary to meet with customers to aid common understanding and to encourage the effective operation of the building standards system by:
- Exchanging and sharing information and practice with relevant/related organisations:
- To improve compliance
- To remove barriers development
- To achieve “better regulation” practice
- To aid and supplement government working
- To develop national policies, and
- Reacting to customer feedback/issues
Lead Consortium Group members form a core part of the LABSS Digital Delivery Group (LABSS DDG), which is the operational group delivering digital transformational change within local authorities as well as the forum for local issues to be raised and considered nationally. Consortia Group Leads represent the individual Local Authority Leads who are best placed to consider, instruct, and influence change within their respective organisations whilst representing that authority’s position.
The DDG also includes other LABSS members who are contributors, providing expert advice and / or participate in other working groups, initiatives and tasks being undertaken by the group.
The LABSS DDG also provides a central verifier support role coordinated through the LABSS DDG Lead. This service is primarily for when a verifier seeks specific advice on matters such as emerging digital technologies, back-office operating systems, data consistency, benchmarking and national adopted processes.
The overall aim of the group is to:
- To deliver digital service improvement for Local Authority Verifiers.
- To deliver digital service improvement for stakeholders and customers.
- To deliver improvement in the interests of efficiencies and best practice.