Application Process for STAS
Submit your STAS application for standard domestic or non-domestic building design.
The process is very similar to a normal building warrant application submission in the vetting and approval of drawings and specifications by one of Scotland's Building Standards Authorities. The scope of your application can be as inclusive as you want in terms of house types numbers and alternative layouts, in terms of typical foundation arrangements and any other element of the build which would not change or at least change minimally regardless of location.
Initially, you should send the STAS Administrator a completed application form (see below),
- the requisite fee will be requested by the Administrator following the application submission stage (e.g. the fee is based on the number of house types to be considered and approved at the rate.)
- you should also have an engineer provide a Statement of Structural Adequacy, a template of which is attached here,
- he should also complete the Climatic Conditions parameters either on the application Form or on a separate form, again I attach a copy for your use,
- these documents should be accompanied by a drawing register which names and describes the specific house types to be considered and approved (I do not need the actual drawings etc)
The next stage then involves the STAS Administrator appointing a Lead Authority to carry out the assessment and approval process. If you have a preference for this Lead then please advise the STAS Administrator when you submit the application. If you have preferences we will seek to meet your needs.
Once the Lead Authority is appointed you will be required to send them a full application pack in electronic format initially at least (hard copies may also be required but this can be discussed between you); this pack should include the application form; the Statement of Structural Adequacy; the Climatic Conditions info; a full set of construction/design drawings for all house types; Structural Drawings; SAP Calculations; BBA Certificates if applicable; other 3rd party certification if applicable; full specification literature and standard details; any other supporting information you would normally submit under a normal building warrant submission.
The vetting/assessment process will be handled by the Lead Authority with you. You will be required to answer any/all queries which may arise sufficient to allow an approval to be recommended.
Response times to your initial full submission to the Lead authority will be a matter for discussion between you and the Lead Authority.
You should note that each house type, when registered will be given a unique reference number and that will become the STAS Certificate number for that unique house type. Once the approval is recommended by the Lead Authority the unique certificates will be prepared in draft and you will be asked to check them before final issue.
Finally, it is recommended that you view the LABSS Website under that tab the Scottish Type approval scheme. You can also search current approvals and pending applications and just follow the links to access application info.
To download your application form for completion and return to the STAS administrator:
To download an application form for a variation to your STAS approval:
Further information, specifications and drawings will likely be required in support of your building warrant submission. This includes confirmation of: