News & views

LABSS members may be interested to note two forthcoming one day online training courses being delivered by SNIPEF on Wednesday 20th March 2024 and…
Dundee Building Standards are looking for a Building Standards Surveyor. Please access the following link here - Building Standards Surveyor DEE05444
CROSS-UK Newsletter 72 has been published and includes expert comments on fire and structural safety reports. Reports in this Newsletter cover the…
BUILT ENVIRONMENT JOURNAL How my career evolved as building standards emerged Although building control in Scotland has changed significantly over…
Notification of publication of research report commissioned by the BSD which will be of interest to LABSS members. Report collating current practice…
Modern apprenticeship programme - Building Standards Partnership Course with Fife and UHI/Inverness Colleges - developed in association with the…
See link below to the latest BSD blog which is a guest blog by James Whiteford, a Director at the Building Standards Hub.…
From the BSD: Following laying of regulations on 8 June this year, revised Technical Handbooks are published which will implement changes from 1…
You can access the Closure Report here and the associated Scottish Government Building Standards Division Blog here.